Archive for August, 2024


Ego: a reactive construct

One of the main obstructions to our awakening and living an authentic existence is understanding that we don’t always get what we want and this is so revealing as we are born and for the most part do not get what we want or need and so starts an emotional mental fulfillment search which is carried along as a reactive demand that we now view as an ego construct that potentially we are stuck in because if we don’t get our desire and so begin a lifelong reactive experience instead of naturally realizing it and not have to have the ego involved in a struggle to obtain it.

This gesture of struggling to fulfill what we think we want and not allowing ourselves to realize that we don’t hav e to become compulsory to obtain our goal or desire is what needs to be investigated by becoming aware that we set ourselves into becoming more reactive than natural and allow ourselves to see that we can be overdoing it in a way that creates our behavior in a constricted framework of a habitual expression that came from a sympathetic basis and we tended to form our life around that identification with that energetic expression.

The sympathetic nervous system is aligned with the reptilian brain in that survival in its most primal gesture can be what we have all been bestowed by nature as one facet that is needed to survive here in this most unknown environment to be able to just exist safely.  From this base aspect of our psycho physiology we don’t seem to see this as a powerful driving force in our lives.

In living from this conditioned condition we can easily get caught in the net of struggling to obtain whatever it is our desire is, because we are approaching it from a matter trying to obtain matter level, which is a very low vibratory level.  Being involved in that level on a habitual track we don’t realize that there are other levels of vibration and frequency that can be realized because then we are approaching it from a higher level of vibratory frequency that is more than connected with the Source consciousness which isn’t conditioned by anything and is the Source of all creation.

If we allow our conditioned unconscious condition to form what we call ego, then we have for the most part started to live from those consensus group of reactions which may become atrophied and at that point may be personally regarded as ourselves and our ID.  This contraction is supposedly how we may approach our whole existence and never is scrutinized. 

This is what we need to become aware of so we can change if we want or need to live a more free and open ended existence.  As we awaken to the structure that we unconsciously built we can see better with Clarity since we are allowing the higher vibrational frequencies that already exist to flow more into our lives to clean up any obstructions that aren’t allowing us to realize our Spiritual Nature and Freedom.

Some of the more reactionary emotions can be anger, anxiety, revenge, depression which are just a few of the ego based attempts to basically circumvent itself by contracting upon an event that can be nothing more than a juvenile output of energy that is very immature in the realm of possibly living from a centered, grounded and focused holistic feeling and viewpoint.

Becoming aware of these possibilities can help us to see and feel when we are off balanced or when we relate to these events from a more harmonized in sync disposition that can now become our more consistent response which is more in the context of FLOW instead of contraction.  Allowing ourselves to slowly descend into the vagus nerve and the parasympathetic nervous system will help to see where the sympathetic reptilian brain system is controlling us unconsciously and give us the option to not lose it over some inconsequential event that might have previously consumed our whole consciousness in a flurry of overreacting.

When this overreacting starts to become habitual then we can possibly become frozen in its trance like hold because at that point it seems natural.  This being our momentary disposition we can continue on this track for the rest of our existence. 

As Awareness becomes more predominate and helps us realize this rote pathway we have allowed to drive us, then we can slowly transcend these episodes as they seem to appear and at least have a conscious choice of not falling into its lure and breathe into a free spaciousness that has before been consumed by the unconsciousness of habitual familiarity.

If our reactive construct starts to recognize the arising reaction, that is the point that we can allow it to step back in consciousness to dissipate the energy that is about to blow a fuse, and let it pass.  A lot of seeming important experiences that were once explosive can now be seen from a now much more free perspective that is closer to our True Nature of Centered Presence that does not live from a reactive construct, but sees all from the Transparency of Reality.  

Sincerely, Will Gable         


Posted by on August 7th, 2024 No Comments