As we have allowed our self to open to SILENCE STILLNESS and to UNITY CONSCIOUNESS we find ourselves not as a thing, but as AWARENESS purely. The self is a control mechanism that nature has inherently included in the software program of most humans. “It” has instinctual forces that can overwhelm the brain to the point that survival and winning can be yardsticks by which one is measured to be worthy of living here. There can seem to be no alternative to these forces of nature or even that anyone questions the need to have one. We seem to be online at birth and yet we don’t know how to define what it is we are doing here, but survival seems to be the overwhelming option, since we are helpless.
If we stay entranced in the survival mode included in the primal package we may stay on that vibrational platform our whole life and stay in different emotional and intellectual positions within the potential consciousness and strive within the society or culture in which we have emerged to fulfill our desirous adventures. There is nothing right or wrong with fulfilling what you desire, it can take you to great heights of accomplishment, and yet it is mainly the extension of survival which is based in gain and loss and the focus is unconsciously aligned with perceptions in duality.
At some point one will have mastered the ambition survival agendas for ones self, does one keep on trying to win the game that seems so objective or out there? This may or may bring one to questioning what they are really doing here besides selling the next product or winning the next tournament. If we are at this place, it could include greed, power plays, and all the games that the ego/self has in reserve to preserve its position in society and yet these are only where the consciousness of the individual could possibly reside and the intellectual and emotional positions that seem to support these continuous agendas have not been inspected with any awareness/consciousness, the bottom line is profit and loss.
The possibility for one to awaken to any greater consciousness is always potentially there within all of us and yet the control agendas that seem to run one seem to dominate most waking, sleeping and dreaming moments. I have discussed this in previous posts in the form of distractions in the self and the seeming world, the agendas of convenience, entertainment and pleasure. To turn towards the Truth of ones existence, again, not the factual truth, the ego must see its place and mature to the point in seeing that it is not the Source of anything, it has its place, but is in no way the Creator! It has been outshined by the greater, already existing Reality and as such HUMILITY is where it is laid down once awareness/consciousness is accessed and one can see through the survival/ambition agendas for what they are.
When the practice of SILENCE/STILLNESS is consistent one is able to still the ego/mind of its sometimes incessant bantering about everything, not able to let things be as they are without analysis, thinking, and concern. To be able to see that a lot of this concern is how the ego/mind keeps one entranced in the agenda of habit and the constant circling of attention and thinking this is you! We can start to step out of this by being STILL and see the energy patterns that may have governed one for way too long in the form of thoughts, feelings and noise and whether they are genuine or the ego/mind in its control grid.
This crucial step can be the start of the much uproar in that the habit patterns may have become addictive to the ego/mind which likes to control things from the agendas of survival, convenience, entertainment and pleasure, if things get revealed by bypassing what was considered normal by SILENCE/STILLNESS then they start to lose their hold in the circle of habits and addictions and then one might be able to see the fog lifting and the Prescence of Light shining where these agendas seemed so entrenched as ones self.
Once this AWAKENING has emerged and we now have stepped away from the control grid of the ego/mind, we can start to live from awareness and see that we are actually living free from the conceptual mind which is mostly unconsciously assumed to be who we are, after seeing that this is a collective unit of assumptions that can resemble a contraction in and of consciousness. “We think therefore we are is pure Descartes,” we just are what we are “prior to any thinking, but thinking through the conceptual models of words and the meanings we gave them to communicate is another function in the contraction of consciousness that designates itself as “I”.
Identifying what seems to be our collective self as “I” gives one the illusion through the attachment, that they are the ego/body/mind and as stated above, never question it. If this assumed attachment is never disassembled through SILENCE/STILLNESS so that one can access consciousness/awareness one can be stuck in the unconscious in emotional debris sectors that seem so real for the person, but they are not able to access the vibrational levels of freedom, joy, love and higher vibrational fields that are in abundance once we can consciously realize the lessons of the level we are on and let go with gratitude and humility to the Spirit for showing us the way out and beyond what seems so solid and real from limitations of the assumed ego/mind.
Aikido is one of the most profound spiritual technologies on the planet today and if seen for what it is, can open the mind of the individual to the beginning of their evolutionary journey to Spiritual realization. The growth of the individual’s consciousness/awareness is constantly being brought through the elemental (earth,air,fire and water) emotional levels of testing in relation to the Principles of the Universal Spiritual energy so as to bring the individual to the Truth of their Existence which is Freedom from the survival mind. We practice on a basic level, a survival art in order to bring ourselves to the point of transcending victory/defeat and thus duality.
SHIVA BATIK (@copyright 1979)