Spiralic Immersion in Periodic Freedom

The access to a Transparent opening to allowing us to feel free from the mind’s compulsive attempt to control and categorize one’s existence and to stay in a repetitive, habitual unconscious circle of un-inspected behavior is alive as our Real Nature.  This transparent access is a way to open ourselves to the neuroplasticity that is being used and is available to almost anyone in that limits that have been maintained can be immersed in the light of our unconditional condition of periodic freedom beyond conditional life experience so we may be set free from the unconscious limits we have placed upon ourselves.

So, letting go on a continual basis of what is arising in each moment in that the constant mind shuffling and reshuffling of the past dominates most of our seemingly conscious life and this disposition can keep one in a very narrow band width access.

I know this may seem like an impossible discipline, but my experience with it has shown that this seems to clear much of the habitual mindstuff that has almost an addictive quality because most of us are honed in on what we are involved in in our existence and we can tend to never take a quality break which may involve different ways to let go of what we have always tended to think and do.

I am not suggesting you are trying to stop your thinking, only to be able to become aware that you may be so habitually oriented in that activity that you can become incapable of seeing beyond it, by being able to see through it and have this discovery open you to the unconditional condition of free attention and awareness which can’t be seen or observed, it is a next level awakening of our energetic consciousness, which is our baseline of our inherent nature.

At this point it could seem like a revolutionary experience, even though what is happening is nature is expressing itself in its true free form that neuroplasticity is just an expression of it bringing us into a conformity of non conformity in that the prior fixed energy of thought is immersed in a clear clarity of a non stained glass ceiling that is the portal to our Source condition that we allowed to recede as we entered this realm of vibration to explore this realm of existence and discovery.  

We were never supposed to lose the upper level connection but through the “shock of birth” we seemed encased in this energetic mass of the finite and the over sensory blast of this unknown environment we had to allow this profound solidity which we didn’t understand since our True Nature is one with Light Infinity.

As the layers of distractive duality are released as an energetic revealing that the seeming known has now been immersed in the transparent radiance of the ever present Presence of the Resonance that is the All in All that is constantly going through the creation, organizing and destructive cycles that open us to the miracle that we may not understand mentally, but through opening ourselves to periodic immersion we can start to live as the Flow that brought us here initially and awaken beyond our conceptual cave of darkness.

As the Universe is a continuous Spiral going into multitudinous directions, so in reaching this apex of letting go of anything that is obstructing this realization we come to the Universal that is the simplicity in that the mind has been brought into this awakened state that its function is no longer to separate existence but to realize that there is a surrender to the prior Primordial Condition that in all reality was its source and that this Immersion in the Periodic Freedom is the Spiralic revealing the Infinite and that the Spirals are at last our doorway to the Spirit’s domain.

This allows us to trust the greater cycles of traversing the Spiralic so we may no longer be tied to the cross of existence but to live in this Universe in the Now and not get lost in the lower vibrational frequency that has been a divisive narrative of this world of density and form.

Sincerely, Will Gable


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